Co-curricular Activities

Food Fiesta
Food Fiesta is an event full of joy, amusement, sharing, and learning. The food is prepared, shared, eaten together whilst cleaning up the mess at the end. Moreover, the kids are also being educated about healthy food, its significance and why to avoid the junk stuff.

National Days Celebration
Students are incourage to celebrate National Days with great zeal and zest. A number of activities are being organized to inculcate the love for the country among the kids. Moreover, theme based activities are being planned which aimed to impart a sense of patriotism among the students.

Art Talent Hunt
Art Talent Hunt is being organized to develop and foster the artistic and creative skills among the students. Mothers along with their children are allowed to participate in the Art Talent Hunt. Students are being awarded with prizes and appreciation certificates to encourage them.

Other Activities
- Kashmir day
- Sports week/Student week
- Independence Day
- Defense Day
- International Literacy Day
- World Teacher’s Day
- Iqbal day
- School Picnic /Field trips
- Bonfire / Camping
- School societies / Community Service
- Student council
- Colour Day
- Sports Gala
- Qirat and Naat Competitions
- Urdu and English Debates
- Speech competition
- Quiz competition
- Hand writing competition