Distinctive Features Making Research School the Top School of Burewala
Think about it! What is a good school?

After a child reaches school age, the biggest desire of parents is to get their child admitted to a good school. But have you ever wondered what makes a good school?
Is a very famous school or a franchised school of a very famous brand a good school or should a good school have some other qualities too?
Let’s explain this with a simple example if you want to buy a shirt, which shirt will you buy?
A branded shirt or a shirt that looks good fits your body perfectly, is comfortable to wear and your pocket allows it.
Definitely, you will think about the second option instead of buying a branded shirt. You will prefer to buy the shirt considering the other qualities.
If so, then why do we choose a brand while enrolling our children in school?
Why don’t we analyze the merits and demerits of each school and then choose the school that is providing quality education, the school that is protecting your children’s future, the school that will get you high quality for less money? Why not choose this school that guarantees to provide quality education to your children?
Yes, most of us often make a mistake in the very first decision of our child’s future and choose an institute for his schooling which is very famous and not the institute which gives a very good education.
Think for yourself, if we are basing the child’s practical life only on the basis of fame, show and money, then we are not writing a better life for our children, but a lifelong regret for ourselves and for our children too.
So please think once with patience, a good school is not one which has high fees, or which is very famous.
A good school is one that not only provides the best education to your children but also trains them in such a way that they become good human beings and prove themself good for society.
Why does Research School Burewala claim to be the best school?

Those whose children are studying in Research School Burewala or whose children have been taught by Research School Burewala in the past know very well why we claim that no one is better than us.
However, for those who don’t have this experience, below we cover the features that make us proud to say Alhamdulillah no school is better than Research School Burewala.
This article will not only explain the distinctive features of Research School Burewala but will also enable you to decide in future whenever you have to send your children to an institution.
You will make a decision to choose the institution based on its features and not because of the fame of an institution.
Distinctive, Unique and Salient Features of Research School Burewala
As you learned above that evaluating the characteristics of each school can be overwhelming and confusing, especially when schools have common qualities.
Research School Burewala is a distinct school. Personalized instruction ensures that students positively embrace the challenging curriculum, instilling a love of school and learning. An exceptional faculty, including those with a focus on specialities, is at the core of student success. Each person connected with the school serves as a passionate conduit for teaching and discovering the qualities of a leader in each student.
Below is the detail of some Distinctive, Unique and Salient Features of the Research School that are making it the Best and Top School in Burewala.

We are not turning our students into Cramming Machines
Cramming is essentially trying to stuff a load of information into a student’s short-term memory in time for an upcoming exam to get better marks. But Cramming has been proven to increase stress levels and can lead to panic and anxiety, making it a lot harder to take in information.
Instead, we enable our students to understand things by using creative teaching methods. Once students understand something, they don’t have to cram it but are able to learn more about it on their own. And when a child knows about something by himself and is taught creative writing, he will never fail in practical life whether it is a numbers race in an exam or trying to solve a problem as a scientist.
This is the reason why we are not turning our students into machines in our school but are making them successful people of the future.

Charging Lowest Fees With Highest Quality of Education
Although Research School is the most high-quality education provider among all the Top Schools of Burewala, Research School is still the cheapest institution in Burewala.
In our school, we are charging less than a third of the fees compared to all the giant schools of Borewala, because we do not teach just to earn but also consider it a worship and a duty too.
At the end of the academic year, while we claim that our students will always come first in any competition to the toppers of any big school in Burewala, we also believe that our fees will never weigh heavily on your pocket as compared to theirs.
Believe it or not, but when choosing a school for your child, you always have the power to decide how much you want to spend on your child’s school education without compromising the quality of education but it demands some research about school systems and their fees.

Ensuring English Language Proficiency
In order to meet the requirements of the future education challenges of their children, every parent wants their child to be fluent in English. Being a global language and the most common medium to communicate, it feels essential to develop English-speaking skills in a child’s early years of education. The methodology being used in Research School Burewala has made it easy to develop language skills in our students.
We are spending a considerable amount of time with our students to teach them English Language Skills.
We focus very much on our students to enable them to speak, listen, read and write the English language. We do not force the child to cram English but teach him to speak English through the following methodology.
- Establishing a routine
- Encouraging Them To Speak In English When At School & Home
- Communicate In English With Friends
- Motivate Them At Every Step
- Keeping A Diary In English
- Playing games
- Using everyday situations
- Using stories
- Using songs
- Teaching grammar
- Prioritizing the words and phrases should they learn first

Fostering Creativity in the Classrooms
Today’s world is changing at an unprecedented rate and for educators, now may be the single most critical period in history to embrace the benefits and importance of creativity in the classroom.
Looking back 10 years, no one could have predicted the sheer pace of change and the extraordinary circumstances that we’d be facing in today’s world — from adapting to the learning needs in the wake of a global atmosphere to empowering and building a generation capable of starting billion-dollar companies overnight; creativity and abstract thinking have become prerequisites in a student’s repertoire of skills needed for the future of society.
The last decade alone has seen entire industries completely transformed as a result of globalization and the digital revolution, access to technology and the potential for innovation has never been as accessible as it is today and educators in classrooms, play a vital role in fostering and encouraging this creativity.
Research School Burewala know that embracing creativity in the classroom is a great way to challenge the notion of static learning: the idea that there’s merely one correct way to solve a problem or come to a solution. Whilst one plus one will always equal two, However, there are a multitude of ways to teach that concept and exactly the same creative problem-handling techniques are being taught at Research School Burewala.
From the first day of school, Research School students are encouraged to think critically, engage analytically and express themselves creatively in order to become lifelong learners not dependent on textbooks and teachers. Students learn that they do not have to accept someone else’s opinions and can think for themselves using a range of tools and strategies. Our students are active learners supported by our curriculum and teaching staff’s techniques.
Creativity is nurtured in a cognitive environment by giving personal attention to each student. This is possible as we have limited seats per class. Art, writing, reading, listening and any other creative aspects are encouraged by mentoring and training children that can help them follow their creative pursuits. That’s why The Students of Research School Burewala think creatively, act wisely and do smartly.

We truly individualize for students’ needs
Individualization is a process of planning and implementing learning experiences that are responsive to each child’s interests, strengths, and needs. Teachers reflect on their observations of each child and then plan the most effective ways to support each child’s learning and development.
Research School teachers are masterful at adapting lessons to meet all students’ needs. We provide intervention classes for students needing extra support. Our computer lab is run
by a full-time technology teacher who teaches our students to operate computers as well as create documents, PowerPoints, and Excel spreadsheets.
We will really get to know your student and his/her needs. Teachers work hard to know what students need academically, socially, and behaviorally.
We want to help students be successful in all parts of their life.

Special Focus on Character Building
The Research School Burewala is widely respected for the character and integrity of its students, qualities that are framed by our values. Through a wide variety of challenges, experiences and unique opportunities, students forge true character, facing each contest squarely and striving to succeed against adversity, the competition or the natural elements.
We want every student to develop into a well-rounded, capable and respectful young adult, ready to face the challenges of the wider world as a global thought leader. This demands a range of emotional and physical tools, and so we place particular importance on students’ well-being socially, emotionally and physically.
Through study, sports, the Arts, outdoor education, and Research School’s Leadership Programs, clubs and societies, students develop the tools and skills they need to build good character and leave us as respectful – and respected – men of integrity.

Religious Life of Research School
Research School Burewala upholds the Islamic tradition of effective respect for understanding, as well as an open spirit of inquiry within the norms and culture of Islam. We aim to help revive the excellence that is ingrained in our Islamic Heritage, which we have inherited from our spiritual forefathers.
In order to do this, mastering the concepts of Islamic knowledge alongside contemporary education is imperative. Rather than considering either counterproductive, we believe in the hybridization of education to develop your child to lead in a continually globalized world. It is our founding belief that the future requires leaders who will understand and implement decisions to resolve contemporary challenges with Shariah-based knowledge.
We examine concepts, which guide ideal behaviour. Help pupils to explore the more personal aspects of religion by addressing questions about meaning, value and purpose in life. Students are able to read the Quran correctly.

Continous Professional Development of Teaching Staff
Professional development, also referred to as professional learning by teachers already engaged in professional practice, is the process of developing the necessary knowledge base and skills teachers require to carry out their roles effectively.
Our Teachers take part in frequent, relevant and continuous professional development that focuses on the implementation of good classroom reading instruction that meets the needs of all students.
Our Teachers have time to work with and consult each other, visit each other’s classrooms, and make instructional decisions that improve the coordination of instruction from one grade level to the next.
Teachers are given time to practice instructional strategies and are supported throughout the school year.
Lead or master teachers are available to coach new and less experienced teachers.
Teacher professional development encourages teachers to be active participants in their own learning and ensures that students and teachers alike are eager to learn. When we provide learning and support for our teachers, we communicate that the school community values the work they do and wants them to grow.

Successful Parental Involvement in Education
Research shows that parent involvement can improve students’ behaviour, attendance, and achievement. The Research School is fostering high-quality, active and successful parent involvement to achieve enhanced study experience for their students.
Successful parent involvement can be defined as the active, ongoing participation of a parent or primary caregiver in the education of his or her child. Parents can demonstrate involvement at home-by reading with their children, helping with homework, and discussing school events-or at school, by attending functions or meetings.
Research School is involving parents by communicating with them regularly and incorporating them into the learning process.
We are attaining the below goals with the involvement of parents in school.
Children whose parents are involved in school:
- perform better at school
- settle better into school programs
- feel valued and important because their parents are taking an interest in their lives
- develop positive social skills by watching parents and school staff interact respectfully
- have better social, physical and emotional wellbeing.
When parents are involved in school,
- have higher job satisfaction
- experience less stress
- can better tailor their approaches to learning and teaching because they have more insight into children’s need
Parents who are involved at school:
- can share their child’s strengths and interests with staff and suggest learning opportunities to build on these
- feel empowered to raise concerns and negotiate solutions with staff
- experience less stress, because they know they can work with staff on concerns about their child’s learning or development.