Principal’s Message on Independence Day

Principal’s Message on Independence Day

Dear Parents & Students,

I hope you all are enjoying Independence Day with a heart full of gratitude for those who have been inspired and given their all for the freedoms we have today!

At Research School Burewala we are dedicated to a student-centred program that promotes academic excellence through an enriched, rigorous inter-disciplinary curriculum.

Let us promise each other in setting and reaching attainable goals, work harder and smarter and take our school and student achievement to the next level of “GREATNESS”

I congratulate everyone on this Independence Day. Freedom does not come easily. We are all indebted to our national heroes who made this country what it is today. As patriotic citizens, let’s put extra effort into performing our civic responsibilities. Our diversity should not be seen as a weakness but as our greatest strength. It is only by working together that we can build a resilient and thriving nation.

Happy Independence Day!

Principal's Message on Independence Day Research School Burewala
Happy Independence Day Principal Research School Burewala

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