Background & Purpose
According to Scientists, using a combination of cutlery requires the development of many skills including hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and postural control. (NHS University Health Board)
Experts recommend introducing utensils between 10 and 12 months, as your almost-toddler starts to show signs that He/She’s interested. A spoon should be first on your tot’s tray since it’s easier to use. He/She’ll have more success with a fork as her fine motor skills get a little sharper, starting around 15 months. (Lauren Crosby, M.D., F.A.A.P)
Importance of Activity:
It’s easy to look like a primitive hunter as you hack away at your food with a knife and fork. But at dinner parties, at a restaurant or on formal occasions, you’ll want to use these utensils in a classical manner.
Children at a primary school are having to be taught how to use a knife, fork and spoon properly at meal times, the activity was revealed yesterday by Research School Burewala.
Why RSI Burewala Started this Activity?
The Principal at the Research School Burewala said table manners were just as important as encouraging healthy eating and exercise.
She said of her pupils: “A lot of them can’t use spoons and forks correctly.
“We have taken this activity to encourage children to do things properly, especially at the food table.
“Table manners form an important part of a child’s social education and their daily routine. But it is difficult these days for some families to sit down together.
The headteacher, of Research School Burewala, said her staff were also having to help children develop proper table manners.
“I always say to parents: “Please make sure your children can use the cutlery like spoon, knife and fork” because a lot of children do use their fingers,”. She further said that using our hands for eating is a very good habit and Sunnah but in order to prepare our kids for the future challenges of life they must learn how to use the cutlery at the table especially when they are eating outside in a restaurant or in a party.
Table Manner Activity Highlights:
Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include the appropriate use of utensils. Different cultures observe different rules for table manners. Table manners have evolved over centuries to make the practice of eating with others pleasant and sociable.
Teach love, generosity, and good manners, and some of that will drift from the classroom to the home and who knows, the children will be educating the parents.
Keeping this in mind Research School Burewala had organised a table manner session for their students, under the theme Good Manners’ to inculcate the new dimension in their learning where the children practised correct table setting procedures and identified acceptable manners and etiquette to be followed while having any meal.
Teachers, further explained that good table manners are a way of showing respect and consideration for themselves and others. Good manners make sharing a meal a pleasant experience for everyone. Students were then taught to use a spoon and fork properly. Teachers emphasise that good manners should be used at every meal even when dining alone so that they become habitual and could play a positive role in their community.
Teachers and Students of Research School Burewala conducted an enriching activity for the kids. Young minds are receptive and they are quick to learn. Teaching such etiquettes from an early age will do a world of good for these children.
using a combination of cutlery requires the development of many skills including hand-eye coordination